מימון יוזמה חברתית ושמירה על הזיכרון

מימון יוזמה חברתית ושמירה על הזיכרון

Yad Labanim provides guidance and seed funding to help the families of fallen soldiers to set up a social project that keeps the memory of their loved one alive and continues their legacy

stonesMany bereaved families want to set up a project for social change and dedicate it to their lost family member. They want to use their loss as the catalyst for building a better world and reach out to help others in the merit of their beloved fallen soldier. 

The Yad Labanim foundation helps them to make these dreams a reality, by providing professional guidance and seed funding. The trustees examine proposed initiatives and assist families to create a meaningful legacy that commemorates their loved one’s sacrifice.

  • In 2002, Nir was killed in a special operation in Nablus. His commander and unit members commemorated Nir by establishing a unique educational project that helps at-risk youth to assimilate back into society.
  • A Bedouin father whose son was killed in action established an educational program with Bedouin youth and community leaders meant to help the youth assimilate better into Israeli society and increase the number of Bedouins who enlist in the army.

"The Path of Brothers’ trip isn’t a journey of loss, but one of life. It’s a journey of embracing and of giving to others.” 
Eyal Ben Melech, brother of Gili Ben Melech z”l. 

הקודם הבא

באותו נושא

סדנת סוסים אחים גילאי 40+

  משפחות יקרות, ארגון יד לבנים מזמין אתכם אחים בגילאי 40+ לסדנת סוסים, שתתקיים בתאריך 20.9.24 בחוות רוטשילד, כפר מונש,

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